Our opening is finally just weeks away!

We have been really quiet these last three months as we have worked to complete the spaces. It was a shock to find out that the apartment building permit was actually tied to ours and we both need to pass inspection to get occupancy on our individual parts of the building. That opened up some confusion as to who was responsible for what, and honestly that hasn’t been resolved but the work is being completed so that both of parts of the building can open.
It is, I am sure, not shocking to many of you that we have taken so long to get this work done, nor if I share that it has gone way over budget, but the good news is that we are literally on our last few list items – they just happen to be big ones.
We are extremely happy to say we are down to one small wall to paint and the trim to finish for the retail side to be complete! Then we start washing windows and putting things together and wait for occupancy to open.
The Coffee Shop has a longer journey as we had so much more work to do there to pass inspection – not the least of which is sanding and finishing the floor. We think we will be sanding starting this week, with finishing next week. We aren’t going to attempt a lovely shiny finish but more of a seal on the old wood. However there are still ceilings being rebuilt which require mud and sanding, and a bathroom to put together before we are basically done with construction on the East side.
So the journey is nearing its end but when all is said and done it all has to pass inspection for all the parts – construction, fire, plumbing, electrical and finally the health department.  
We can open the shop before the health department inspection but we can’t serve espresso or any unpackaged foods in the coffee shop until we get their say so.
Emma Kate and I are so thankful that you have stuck with us on this journey and we hope you will be able to come in during our grand opening week where we will have something special happening every day – a new product reveal, an old friend spending the day, and Artists in Action.
Remember if you want to have a heads up on our newest products you can receive our special emails for that,  letting us know by clicking the link.  New Product Email List